Pre: sorry for such a long delay in-between my guides, I originally wanted to release a guide every week but once I started this guide on the bomb it became apparent that any guide on a fundamental gameplay mechanic would be quite large and would take quite a while to complete to a level I am happy with. Because of this I have decided that on weeks were I will not be able to release a full guide I will release a mini guide on smaller topics such as individual weapon guides and simple gameplay tactics or techniques. On the topic of this guide on the bomb, due to its large size I have decided to split the guide into smaller sections and release a series of guides on the bomb, “the bomb: T side Basics”, “the bomb: CT side Basics” and “the bomb: advanced techniques and strategy”.
The Bomb: T side BasicsThe bomb is one of if not the most important element in counter-strike, often what happens with the bomb determines who will win that round and as such know what to do with the bomb can make a big difference in not only your performance but your team’s performance in wars.
In this guide I am going to address not only some of the basics when it comes to using the bomb in a war from a terrorist perspective but also the most common mistakes people make. This guide is going to be broken up into three topics
1)Tips on what you should and should not do when you have the bomb.
2)Planting the bomb.
3)Covering the bomb after the plant.
2)Planting the bomb.
3)Covering the bomb after the plant.
The bomb as a T
When playing as a terrorist you could consider the bomb as your most potent weapon, it often presents the easiest way to win a round as planting the bomb can give your team a huge advantage forcing the counter terrorists to retake a site against your entire team with a 30 second deadline to start a defuse. But when the bomb is not used effectively it can quickly become a double edged sword with a mistake as simple as planting in the wrong place or at the wrong time putting you in a difficult situation or with bigger mistakes unwinnable situations.
Tips on what you should and should not do when you have the bomb.
When you find yourself with the bomb there are a few tips you should remember which will improve your game and also help you from making some of the most common mistakes. The first two tips go together,
1) Unless a strategy calls for it try to stay near at least one other member of your team when you have the bomb
2) Where possible don’t make solo pushes or try to make picks where you could lose the bomb in counter terrorist controlled areas.
The reason these are related is that if you get killed with the bomb you want your team to be able to retrieve it relatively quickly and easily and not following these tips can lead to you losing the bomb where your team will have trouble retrieving the bomb. For example on dust2 playing in dark if you had an awp and decided to try and make a pick in B, you move down the entry to B and get killed in the hall from an awper playing in window, now let’s say that the counter terrorist are using the common 2,1,2 hold with an awp and m4 in B, all it would take is for that awper from window to move to platform overlooking the dropped bomb with the m4 playing up close to make it difficult for your team to retrieve the bomb. it is also highly likely that the players from mid and A will rotate to B making the situation even worse.
All it would have taken to avoid that situation is for you to drop the bomb in upper dark for a teammate to take so that if you were killed you won’t have put your team in a difficult situation.
The third and fourth tip is in relation to when your team decides to hit a site,
3) Where possible don’t be first or last into the site.
This is something that is often overlooked by a lot of people but can make a big difference in a round. When you are carrying the bomb you do not what to be the first or last person into the site, if your team still has all five members alive the optimum position for you to be with the bomb is third or fourth. The reason you do not want to be one of the first into the site is that they should be focused on clearing the most threatening spots in the site and the getting into position to stop the fast rotators and not be focused on getting close to the plant area. The reason you do not want to be last is that if you are killed the last person can keep running and pick up the bomb, while if you were last someone would have to run back to get the bomb.
4) Don’t go chasing kills
This is one of the most common problems that people new to warring make and it can very easily cause your team to lose a round. They go chasing kills when they have the bomb. Except for specific circumstances such as those discussed in the “how to clutch” guide, when you have the bomb and have made it into the site the first thing you should be doing is planting the bomb. Every second that you delay planting the bomb is and extra second that the counter terrorists have to rotate and defuse the bomb.
The last tip is to do with approaching the site to plant.
5) Don’t run with the bomb out.
While this may seem very logical, all too often people run to the plant spot with the bomb out. You should keep your weapon out right up until you are ready to start the plant. What happens if you are running with the bomb out and a counter terrorist gets into a position to engage you, he could be a fast rotator or hidden in the site, either way you are an easy target while you draw your weapon and that second it took for you to take out your weapon could be the difference between you killing him and him killing you or one of your teammates.
Planting the bomb
When you get to the site the most important thing for you to do with the bomb is to choose the right spot to plant. The wrong spot could lead to the counter terrorists being able to kill you while you plant the bomb or defuse it without you being able to engage them effectively while a good plant can make it extremely difficult for the counter terrorists to defuse the bomb. All the possible places you could plant the bomb can be broken up into two categories covered plants(also known as hidden plants) and open plants.
What is a covered plant and an open plant.
The two types of plants are differentiated by how much cover is given to the planter or defuser and how many places a person is able to cover the bomb effectively. A covered or hidden plant is where the bomb is positioned in a way that the counter terrorists can defuse the bomb while covered from most angles or where there are few places that terrorists would be able to cover the bomb from. An open plant is where the bomb is positioned in such a way that the defuser cannot use cover effectively to shield himself from any terrorists or where there are many places where a terrorist can hide and easily kill the defuser.
Choosing the right spot to plant.
When you are choosing where you will plant the bomb there are a number of things to take in to consideration. Do you have teammates covering you, is it likely that a counter terrorist is going to be in a position to engage you while you are planting, what weapons does your team have and what weapons did the counter terrorists have.
Do you have teammates covering you?
if you have teammates covering you, you will generally want to attempt an open plant at least to some extent. When you have 3 or more teammates covering you you should always go going to the best open plant in the site but even when you have only 1 or 2 teammates left covering you, your chance of successfully completing a plant without a counter terrorist engaging you is quite high so you should be aiming for the best open plant that is safe. For example in Bomb site A on Dust2 if you only have two left on your team and you have approached the site from short and you find that there is a counter terrorist at long it would be best to attempt a short plant with you teammate covering you instead of the long plant. An open plant also means that your team can spread out to cover the different entrances to the sites and still be able to cover the bomb should a counter terrorist start a defuse.
Is it likely that a counter terrorist is going to be in a position to engage you while you are planting?
just because you have one teammate with you does not mean that a counter terrorist will not get into a position to engage you when you plant and just because you are the only terrorist left does not mean that the counter terrorists are going to be close enough to engage you while you plant. you need to make a decision based on where and when the counter terrorists were last spotted as well as how much cover any teammates are giving you. If you know that the counter terrorists are at least 5 seconds away go for that open plant, if they are closer or have a view of the bombsite then go for a covered plant where they cannot see you and it will take them longer to get into a position to engage you.
What weapons does your team have?
When you have an option of places you can plant you should consider the weapons your team has as in some sites certain plants will give a big advantage to different weapons. A classic example is bomb site A on Dust2, if your team only has pistols or MP5’s you would be best with a short plant as you weapons will not be effective from long, while if you have rifles and AWP’s a long plant would normally be recommended.
What weapons did the counter terrorists have?
you want to give yourself the biggest advantage possible so if you know information about what weapons the counter terrorists have use it to your advantage. Try and plant where it allows you to cover from a position that gives you weapons the advantage. If they only have pistols or SMG’s and you have rifles or sniper rifles plant where you can cover from a longer range while if they have sniper rifles and you only have rifles try and plant where you can engage from closer distances.
To demonstrate some good and bad plants the following three examples each show four common locations where people plant the bomb with an explanation as to why or why not that plant is good and when the right time to use that plant would be.
When playing as a terrorist you could consider the bomb as your most potent weapon, it often presents the easiest way to win a round as planting the bomb can give your team a huge advantage forcing the counter terrorists to retake a site against your entire team with a 30 second deadline to start a defuse. But when the bomb is not used effectively it can quickly become a double edged sword with a mistake as simple as planting in the wrong place or at the wrong time putting you in a difficult situation or with bigger mistakes unwinnable situations.
Tips on what you should and should not do when you have the bomb.
When you find yourself with the bomb there are a few tips you should remember which will improve your game and also help you from making some of the most common mistakes. The first two tips go together,
1) Unless a strategy calls for it try to stay near at least one other member of your team when you have the bomb
2) Where possible don’t make solo pushes or try to make picks where you could lose the bomb in counter terrorist controlled areas.
The reason these are related is that if you get killed with the bomb you want your team to be able to retrieve it relatively quickly and easily and not following these tips can lead to you losing the bomb where your team will have trouble retrieving the bomb. For example on dust2 playing in dark if you had an awp and decided to try and make a pick in B, you move down the entry to B and get killed in the hall from an awper playing in window, now let’s say that the counter terrorist are using the common 2,1,2 hold with an awp and m4 in B, all it would take is for that awper from window to move to platform overlooking the dropped bomb with the m4 playing up close to make it difficult for your team to retrieve the bomb. it is also highly likely that the players from mid and A will rotate to B making the situation even worse.
All it would have taken to avoid that situation is for you to drop the bomb in upper dark for a teammate to take so that if you were killed you won’t have put your team in a difficult situation.
The third and fourth tip is in relation to when your team decides to hit a site,
3) Where possible don’t be first or last into the site.
This is something that is often overlooked by a lot of people but can make a big difference in a round. When you are carrying the bomb you do not what to be the first or last person into the site, if your team still has all five members alive the optimum position for you to be with the bomb is third or fourth. The reason you do not want to be one of the first into the site is that they should be focused on clearing the most threatening spots in the site and the getting into position to stop the fast rotators and not be focused on getting close to the plant area. The reason you do not want to be last is that if you are killed the last person can keep running and pick up the bomb, while if you were last someone would have to run back to get the bomb.
4) Don’t go chasing kills
This is one of the most common problems that people new to warring make and it can very easily cause your team to lose a round. They go chasing kills when they have the bomb. Except for specific circumstances such as those discussed in the “how to clutch” guide, when you have the bomb and have made it into the site the first thing you should be doing is planting the bomb. Every second that you delay planting the bomb is and extra second that the counter terrorists have to rotate and defuse the bomb.
The last tip is to do with approaching the site to plant.
5) Don’t run with the bomb out.
While this may seem very logical, all too often people run to the plant spot with the bomb out. You should keep your weapon out right up until you are ready to start the plant. What happens if you are running with the bomb out and a counter terrorist gets into a position to engage you, he could be a fast rotator or hidden in the site, either way you are an easy target while you draw your weapon and that second it took for you to take out your weapon could be the difference between you killing him and him killing you or one of your teammates.
Planting the bomb
When you get to the site the most important thing for you to do with the bomb is to choose the right spot to plant. The wrong spot could lead to the counter terrorists being able to kill you while you plant the bomb or defuse it without you being able to engage them effectively while a good plant can make it extremely difficult for the counter terrorists to defuse the bomb. All the possible places you could plant the bomb can be broken up into two categories covered plants(also known as hidden plants) and open plants.
What is a covered plant and an open plant.
The two types of plants are differentiated by how much cover is given to the planter or defuser and how many places a person is able to cover the bomb effectively. A covered or hidden plant is where the bomb is positioned in a way that the counter terrorists can defuse the bomb while covered from most angles or where there are few places that terrorists would be able to cover the bomb from. An open plant is where the bomb is positioned in such a way that the defuser cannot use cover effectively to shield himself from any terrorists or where there are many places where a terrorist can hide and easily kill the defuser.
Choosing the right spot to plant.
When you are choosing where you will plant the bomb there are a number of things to take in to consideration. Do you have teammates covering you, is it likely that a counter terrorist is going to be in a position to engage you while you are planting, what weapons does your team have and what weapons did the counter terrorists have.
Do you have teammates covering you?
if you have teammates covering you, you will generally want to attempt an open plant at least to some extent. When you have 3 or more teammates covering you you should always go going to the best open plant in the site but even when you have only 1 or 2 teammates left covering you, your chance of successfully completing a plant without a counter terrorist engaging you is quite high so you should be aiming for the best open plant that is safe. For example in Bomb site A on Dust2 if you only have two left on your team and you have approached the site from short and you find that there is a counter terrorist at long it would be best to attempt a short plant with you teammate covering you instead of the long plant. An open plant also means that your team can spread out to cover the different entrances to the sites and still be able to cover the bomb should a counter terrorist start a defuse.
Is it likely that a counter terrorist is going to be in a position to engage you while you are planting?
just because you have one teammate with you does not mean that a counter terrorist will not get into a position to engage you when you plant and just because you are the only terrorist left does not mean that the counter terrorists are going to be close enough to engage you while you plant. you need to make a decision based on where and when the counter terrorists were last spotted as well as how much cover any teammates are giving you. If you know that the counter terrorists are at least 5 seconds away go for that open plant, if they are closer or have a view of the bombsite then go for a covered plant where they cannot see you and it will take them longer to get into a position to engage you.
What weapons does your team have?
When you have an option of places you can plant you should consider the weapons your team has as in some sites certain plants will give a big advantage to different weapons. A classic example is bomb site A on Dust2, if your team only has pistols or MP5’s you would be best with a short plant as you weapons will not be effective from long, while if you have rifles and AWP’s a long plant would normally be recommended.
What weapons did the counter terrorists have?
you want to give yourself the biggest advantage possible so if you know information about what weapons the counter terrorists have use it to your advantage. Try and plant where it allows you to cover from a position that gives you weapons the advantage. If they only have pistols or SMG’s and you have rifles or sniper rifles plant where you can cover from a longer range while if they have sniper rifles and you only have rifles try and plant where you can engage from closer distances.
To demonstrate some good and bad plants the following three examples each show four common locations where people plant the bomb with an explanation as to why or why not that plant is good and when the right time to use that plant would be.
Example 1:
A: Open plant, known as the long plant. It is one of the best plants for this site. It allows you to cover the plant from anywhere in the site including Long and Short (assuming that they do not go for an illegal defuse which is covered from short). You can use this plant almost all the time but notable situations are when you have weapons that are effective at range, you intend holding from pit or when most of your team is still alive
B: Open plant, known as the short plant. Another one of the best plants for this site. It allows you to cover the bomb from almost everywhere, the only place where you cannot cover from being the end of Long near Pit. You could use this plant when you intend to hold from short, you have weapons more suited to close combat or when there are counter terrorists near Pit.
C: Covered plant, a very common plant but not a very good one, I would almost always call planting here a blunder. While it does give you cover while planting it gives the counter terrorists a lot more cover when they go to defuse the bomb. Never use this plant wherever possible.
D: Covered plant, while there is not much difference between this plant and spot C this is a far superior plant as it reduces the cover the counter terrorists have while defusing while not changing the amount of cover you had planting the bomb. The bomb is still exposed to long but not to the extent of A. You would use this plant when you need to plant under fire from short or CT spawn.
Example 2:
A: Open plant, considered the perfect plant for this site, not only is able to be covered from anywhere in the site including outside B and dark but during the defuse the defuser will have to either look at the ground or be looking at a wall giving you a huge advantage. Use this plant whenever it is safe to do so.
B: Open plant, while this is classified as an open plant it could be considered in some situations as a covered plant as it is protected from dark as well as partial protection from window and doors. This plant is inferior to spot A in almost all cases, it is only when there is a threat of a counter terrorist engaging you from dark while you are planting that this should be an option.
C: Covered plant, a very common plant especially in public games it gives a lot of cover from pretty much any attacking angle, but has the same advantage as A not allowing the counter terrorists to look towards any areas you could threaten them from. Only use this plant when you are under pressure to plant the bomb and have counter terrorists near who could engage you if you planted at spot A or B.
D: Covered plant, slightly more exposed from doors and window then C but still provides a lot of cover from pretty much everywhere. Generally this is considered a poor plant as it gives few advantages over spot C but leaves you more exposed while planting the bomb.
Example 3:
A: Open plant, considered to be one of the 2 best plants for the site giving cover from library while leaving the bomb exposed to pretty much every other hiding spot around the site. Use this plant when you do not intend holding from library, when you intend to hold from boiler and red roof (diggity) or whenever planting in spot B may be risky due to the possibility of counter terrorists in library or quick rotating through CT spawn.
B: Open plant, the other plant that could be considered one of the best, it requires more cover while you plant and makes it more difficult for you to cover the bomb from red roof (diggity) requiring you to move into the site to kill the defuser but it allows you to cover the bomb from library, alcove and arguably cover the bomb more effectively from pit. I would recommend planting in this spot whenever possible as it can be held from almost anywhere, only exception being when you want to have someone holding from boiler or red roof (diggity).
C: Covered plant, a good plant when you are required to plant from cover providing fairly good cover from everywhere except graveyard. Use this plant when you are under time constraints to plant the bomb and are at risk of having counter terrorists engage you while you are planting.
D: Covered plant, probably the plant providing the most cover out of all the examples giving the ability to have cover from everywhere except either graveyard or balcony. Use this plant in the same conditions as spot C
covering a planted bomb
Once you have planted the bomb most of the time you will have given your team an advantage, before now your team has been pressured by the clock to plant the bomb, now the roles have reversed and the counter terrorists have a race against the clock to defuse the bomb. Now you must shift your strategy from being an aggressive player in taking the site to a more defensive role as you defend the bomb but just because as a team you must be thinking defensively don’t think that you cannot play with an aggressive style, there will be times where playing slightly aggressive can pay off and this will be discussed along with other alternative ways to hold a site in the advanced techniques and strategies guide.
A: Open plant, considered to be one of the 2 best plants for the site giving cover from library while leaving the bomb exposed to pretty much every other hiding spot around the site. Use this plant when you do not intend holding from library, when you intend to hold from boiler and red roof (diggity) or whenever planting in spot B may be risky due to the possibility of counter terrorists in library or quick rotating through CT spawn.
B: Open plant, the other plant that could be considered one of the best, it requires more cover while you plant and makes it more difficult for you to cover the bomb from red roof (diggity) requiring you to move into the site to kill the defuser but it allows you to cover the bomb from library, alcove and arguably cover the bomb more effectively from pit. I would recommend planting in this spot whenever possible as it can be held from almost anywhere, only exception being when you want to have someone holding from boiler or red roof (diggity).
C: Covered plant, a good plant when you are required to plant from cover providing fairly good cover from everywhere except graveyard. Use this plant when you are under time constraints to plant the bomb and are at risk of having counter terrorists engage you while you are planting.
D: Covered plant, probably the plant providing the most cover out of all the examples giving the ability to have cover from everywhere except either graveyard or balcony. Use this plant in the same conditions as spot C
covering a planted bomb
Once you have planted the bomb most of the time you will have given your team an advantage, before now your team has been pressured by the clock to plant the bomb, now the roles have reversed and the counter terrorists have a race against the clock to defuse the bomb. Now you must shift your strategy from being an aggressive player in taking the site to a more defensive role as you defend the bomb but just because as a team you must be thinking defensively don’t think that you cannot play with an aggressive style, there will be times where playing slightly aggressive can pay off and this will be discussed along with other alternative ways to hold a site in the advanced techniques and strategies guide.
When you have planted the bomb your most important decision is how and where you will hold the site. You need to decide if you are going to play a passive or aggressive style defence and where you are going to hold.
What is a Passive or aggressive defence?
In general an aggressive defence is one where you are playing to make picks before the counter terrorists make it into the site, such as having a player stay in mid on dust2 to catch the rotators while a passive defence is one where you wait for the counter terrorists to get to you, this includes picking counter terrorists from within the site, such as awping from window in B on dust2. Normally an aggressive defence is a lot more complicated to organise and execute so this guide is going to focus on a passive defence.
Choosing where you will hold
When you are choosing your position in the site there are four things you should take into consideration. Spread out from your teammates, be able to cover the bomb, cover an entrance and complement your teammates.
Spread out from your teammates.
While there are strategies to hold a site that utilise having multiple people stack an area such as the short stack in Dust2 generally it is preferable to have your team spread out within and in some cases around the site. By spreading out you are giving your team a few benefits, first your team won’t be taken out by a well-placed grenade or well-aimed spray, second it is going to be a lot harder for the counter terrorists to find you all and kill you before they start to defuse the bomb and third it becomes a lot harder to the counter terrorists to defuse the bomb before killing at least a few people on your team as they will be taking fire from multiple directions if they start a defuse.
What is a Passive or aggressive defence?
In general an aggressive defence is one where you are playing to make picks before the counter terrorists make it into the site, such as having a player stay in mid on dust2 to catch the rotators while a passive defence is one where you wait for the counter terrorists to get to you, this includes picking counter terrorists from within the site, such as awping from window in B on dust2. Normally an aggressive defence is a lot more complicated to organise and execute so this guide is going to focus on a passive defence.
Choosing where you will hold
When you are choosing your position in the site there are four things you should take into consideration. Spread out from your teammates, be able to cover the bomb, cover an entrance and complement your teammates.
Spread out from your teammates.
While there are strategies to hold a site that utilise having multiple people stack an area such as the short stack in Dust2 generally it is preferable to have your team spread out within and in some cases around the site. By spreading out you are giving your team a few benefits, first your team won’t be taken out by a well-placed grenade or well-aimed spray, second it is going to be a lot harder for the counter terrorists to find you all and kill you before they start to defuse the bomb and third it becomes a lot harder to the counter terrorists to defuse the bomb before killing at least a few people on your team as they will be taking fire from multiple directions if they start a defuse.
Be able to cover the bomb.
While the reason for needing to take this into consideration should be self-explanatory how it is achieved can sometimes be misunderstood. Being able to cover the bomb does not mean that you must be able to see the bomb from where you are holding but you must be able to tell when a defuse has started and be able to move into a position where you can engage the defuser within 3 seconds, for example you are able to cover a bomb planted in B from B ramp on Dust2 even tho there is a wall between you and the bomb, when you hear the counter terrorists running to the bomb or the start of the defuse you can start walking to the doors and within 3 seconds you should be in a position to easily kill the defuser.
cover an entrance.
When playing a passive defence one of the most important things you need to do is cover the potential entrances that the counter terrorists could use. The entrance that you choose to cover should ideally be either an entrance not covered by someone else on your team or the entrance with the weakest defence. When you are covering an entrance your position should achieve two things, first give you an advantage in an engagement over any counter terrorist attacking from your entrance and second prevent a counter terrorist from moving into a position to attack one of your teammates who is holding a different entrance from behind.
complement your teammates.
The final thing that you need to take into consideration is where your teammates are and where they are covering. Where possible you want to choose a position where you can support your teammates and there are a couple simple ways you can do this. first is you want to be in a position where you are covering them from any attack from the entrance you are holding and second is trying to be in a position where you can create a crossfire with your teammates.
using grenades.
Grenades are one of the most useful weapons you have to defend the site and being able to use them effectively can greatly increase your chances of winning the round. Unfortunately they are often forgotten and underutilised once players are defending a planted bomb.
HE grenade
Other than the common uses for the HE grenade such as damaging a group of enemies or damaging enemies while they are behind cover, it can be used effectively to defend the bomb by damaging or killing the defuser without exposing yourself to the enemy, e.g. holding A site on Dust2 and throwing a He grenade off the back wall to kill the defuser.
The flashbang is a very powerful grenade in these situations. While most people will use the blinding effect of the flashbang to give them an advantage while engaging their opponents, when the bomb has been planted the flashbang can be used in another way, it can be used to slow the rotation of the counter terrorists into the bomb site. E.g. having planted the bomb at B on Dust2 after a few seconds when you think the counter terrorists would be around the mid doors/B ramp area throw a flashbang over the wall towards CT spawn, the flashbang will normally effectively blind anyone in that area. The effect of this is that the counter terrorists will be unable to effectively move towards the site until most of the blinding effects have worn off and even with a relatively short flash of 3 seconds that is about 10% of the bomb time that you have delayed the rotation by. This effect can be increased further if you can co-ordinate throwing your teams remaining flashbangs such that only one flash is thrown every 3 to 4 seconds.
Smoke grenades.
Smoke grenades are generally considered the hardest grenade to learn to use effectively and often the most underutilised grenades in the game and this is even more evident once the bomb has been planted. Two of the best uses for smoke grenades when the bomb has been planted are, denying the counter terrorist the ability to make picks from outside the site and forcing them to move out of cover to engage you. For example in bomb site B on dust2 there are multiple locations smokes can be used in these ways. A smoke thrown in window will achieve both of these advantages, it will prevent the counter terrorists from seeing into the site or making any picks as well.
While the reason for needing to take this into consideration should be self-explanatory how it is achieved can sometimes be misunderstood. Being able to cover the bomb does not mean that you must be able to see the bomb from where you are holding but you must be able to tell when a defuse has started and be able to move into a position where you can engage the defuser within 3 seconds, for example you are able to cover a bomb planted in B from B ramp on Dust2 even tho there is a wall between you and the bomb, when you hear the counter terrorists running to the bomb or the start of the defuse you can start walking to the doors and within 3 seconds you should be in a position to easily kill the defuser.
cover an entrance.
When playing a passive defence one of the most important things you need to do is cover the potential entrances that the counter terrorists could use. The entrance that you choose to cover should ideally be either an entrance not covered by someone else on your team or the entrance with the weakest defence. When you are covering an entrance your position should achieve two things, first give you an advantage in an engagement over any counter terrorist attacking from your entrance and second prevent a counter terrorist from moving into a position to attack one of your teammates who is holding a different entrance from behind.
complement your teammates.
The final thing that you need to take into consideration is where your teammates are and where they are covering. Where possible you want to choose a position where you can support your teammates and there are a couple simple ways you can do this. first is you want to be in a position where you are covering them from any attack from the entrance you are holding and second is trying to be in a position where you can create a crossfire with your teammates.
using grenades.
Grenades are one of the most useful weapons you have to defend the site and being able to use them effectively can greatly increase your chances of winning the round. Unfortunately they are often forgotten and underutilised once players are defending a planted bomb.
HE grenade
Other than the common uses for the HE grenade such as damaging a group of enemies or damaging enemies while they are behind cover, it can be used effectively to defend the bomb by damaging or killing the defuser without exposing yourself to the enemy, e.g. holding A site on Dust2 and throwing a He grenade off the back wall to kill the defuser.
The flashbang is a very powerful grenade in these situations. While most people will use the blinding effect of the flashbang to give them an advantage while engaging their opponents, when the bomb has been planted the flashbang can be used in another way, it can be used to slow the rotation of the counter terrorists into the bomb site. E.g. having planted the bomb at B on Dust2 after a few seconds when you think the counter terrorists would be around the mid doors/B ramp area throw a flashbang over the wall towards CT spawn, the flashbang will normally effectively blind anyone in that area. The effect of this is that the counter terrorists will be unable to effectively move towards the site until most of the blinding effects have worn off and even with a relatively short flash of 3 seconds that is about 10% of the bomb time that you have delayed the rotation by. This effect can be increased further if you can co-ordinate throwing your teams remaining flashbangs such that only one flash is thrown every 3 to 4 seconds.
Smoke grenades.
Smoke grenades are generally considered the hardest grenade to learn to use effectively and often the most underutilised grenades in the game and this is even more evident once the bomb has been planted. Two of the best uses for smoke grenades when the bomb has been planted are, denying the counter terrorist the ability to make picks from outside the site and forcing them to move out of cover to engage you. For example in bomb site B on dust2 there are multiple locations smokes can be used in these ways. A smoke thrown in window will achieve both of these advantages, it will prevent the counter terrorists from seeing into the site or making any picks as well.
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